martedì 27 dicembre 2016

Buon Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo da DAVIDE ALBERTARIO MILANO SRL


Auguriamo a tutti voi un Sereno Natale e Felice Anno Nuovo 

We Wish You Happy New Year 

행복한 크리스마스와 신년 되세요!



venerdì 2 dicembre 2016

shooting time

Importanti Clienti in visita dalla Corea alla ricerca del made in italy e del design unico studiato appositamente per loro   밀라노 milano davidealbertario luxurygoods fashion 스튜디오 #일스튜디오 lotte 대홍기획 #펠레테리아 patnership with peleteria

Daniela Albertario's shooting in Davide Albertario Milano area of production

meeting with an in important Corean Customer

mercoledì 30 novembre 2016

Le rigature Hot line by Davide Albertario Milano srl


today I'm walking into production and I would like
to show you the technique of the hot line
In order  to refine small leather goods we made hot line with
particular instruments like this

At the bottom of this post you can kindly see the video

VIA DIAZ 22 20090 OPERA ( MI)

lunedì 31 ottobre 2016

31 Ottobre 2016 passeggiando in laboratorio



Hello Everybody ! 
31 october 2016 we are working but...
trick or treat?

we would like to give you a ''present'':  
we have received many kindly curious requests and, for this reason, we are walking in the production and we have decided to show you , and discover together, our special ''world'' through these photos

 For those ,who do not know us, we are still south of Milan ( 9km far) and only  1 km from highway in Via Diaz 22 20090 Opera ( Mi) Italy

Reach us conveniently by train or subway network.
Railroad link S13, “Locate di Triulzi” station

Raggiungici comodamente in treno o in metropolitana:
Passante Ferroviario S13, Stazione “Locate di Triulzi”

VIA DIAZ 22 20090 OPERA -MI-
phone +39 0290780397 

stay tuned